Friday, January 23, 2009

Sugar We're Going Down

Today I woke up early to get a book from my lecturer. Something about peaceful detox photography. Or something.

While passing me the book, he helpfully gave suggestions on my photos, specifically my model (assuming I would use one that wasn't myself or my roommate). My model should have a 'nice, soothing' face. An open, calm visage that made people feel less depressed.

He started talking about a first year who hade a nice, clean face, saying I should get him to give me a hand. Apparently this guy was from Ipoh and looked very stylo.



Rupa-rupanya he was talking about Jun.


Banggalah sekarang, Jun.

After that I went shopping.
At last.
A funny thing happened. I was looking for shorts but I saw this black dress. At 70% off.
I tried it on.


Sebiji macam Robin from Witch Hunter Robin (without trenchcoat and Amon). All I needed was leather gloves and a black cat. Goth soap opera doe.

So I bought it.

I also got my shorts ler, I'm not completely attention deficit.

Ain't it sweet

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