Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Death of Sanity

Could you see heaven in a wildflower?

I was reading Trinna's recent post.
While reading it, I was reminded of an episode of Nip/Tuck Season 1.

You know, the episode where Julian McMahon/Christian Troy strips down to his undies?
The episode that, even if you never watch another episode of N/T again, would be sufficient for you to remember it forever?

That's the one.

So, in the episode, there's this old lady who has a huge crush on Dr Troy (like duh. She'd be blind not to) and also happens to be filing a malpractice suit against him and his less-hot partner (who, fyi, has a really hot son), but she's willing to drop the suit if Troy sleeps with her.

Which is a bit eeeww, but bear with me.

It turns out she hasn't slept with a man for, like, decades, and she keeps going for plastic surgery because she wants to be attractive/ perfect/ beautiful for Dr Troy.

And then Troy (who, apparently, has a heart despite being an asshole to the woman he loves), tells her that he does find her beautiful - but its the way she talks, the way she carries herself, the way she handles her business, her confidence.

All that non-physical stuff. You know. The stuff that matter.

They don't sleep together, in the end. He just holds her hand.

And he says, It's too bad that we live in a world that recognises only one kind of beauty.


treeeeeeeee-----na! said...

how does my post led you to think of nip/tuck boggles me.... hahaha..

sam said...

it must have been your mention of a semi-naked christian troy...
oh wait, you never mentioned that.