I went for my first Abnormal Psychology tuto.
There were two other people there when I walked in.
One of them was the tutor.
I wondered whether the other 80 people had gotten lost (like me) or was unaware of the exact existence of the SK building (also, like me).
The tutor is Iraqi.
I have no idea what she is saying most of the time. But it’s kind of cool.
In the end there were 8 students.
4 Chinese girls sat on the right side of the class.
3 Malay girls sat on the left side of the class.
I sat in front.
Isn’t it great living in a multicultural society?
Anyway, this brilliant seating position ensured that the tutor ended up repeating her lesson 3 times.
As if we were in three different classrooms instead of all being in the Same Room.
A lesson you barely understand.
Repeated three times.
I guess she was trying to be fair.
But when you accommodate Stupidity, you just end up looking kinda stupid yourself.
What really annoys me is when the tutor asks questions, and everyone just stares at the tutor.
Especially if the question has been repeated TWICE before.
Just get the hell over with it already! Takde guna nak bajet ayu lah wei. People just want to throw stuff at you for being so. damn. thick.
I always feel obliged to the tutors to answer their questions. I mean, since they are standing right in front of me and all that.
Unlike the rest of the class.
Kalau ulang 327 kali pun takkan jawab KOT.
There were two other people there when I walked in.
One of them was the tutor.
I wondered whether the other 80 people had gotten lost (like me) or was unaware of the exact existence of the SK building (also, like me).
The tutor is Iraqi.
I have no idea what she is saying most of the time. But it’s kind of cool.
In the end there were 8 students.
4 Chinese girls sat on the right side of the class.
3 Malay girls sat on the left side of the class.
I sat in front.
Isn’t it great living in a multicultural society?
Anyway, this brilliant seating position ensured that the tutor ended up repeating her lesson 3 times.
As if we were in three different classrooms instead of all being in the Same Room.
A lesson you barely understand.
Repeated three times.
I guess she was trying to be fair.
But when you accommodate Stupidity, you just end up looking kinda stupid yourself.
What really annoys me is when the tutor asks questions, and everyone just stares at the tutor.
Especially if the question has been repeated TWICE before.
Just get the hell over with it already! Takde guna nak bajet ayu lah wei. People just want to throw stuff at you for being so. damn. thick.
I always feel obliged to the tutors to answer their questions. I mean, since they are standing right in front of me and all that.
Unlike the rest of the class.
Kalau ulang 327 kali pun takkan jawab KOT.
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