Monday, January 19, 2009

Mockery of the Saints

Whoa. Everyone's so full of angst and bitterness these days.
I pun nak bitch jugak.
Perkara-perkara I nak bitch about:

1. My artwork FYP kena reject. Kena reject kao2. Sampai the lecturers asked me to book into a mental hospital so that I could better understand depression.
Kalo dieorang nak buat lawak bodoh pun, tak payah lah at the expense of my FYP.
And then I'm supposed to take happy photographs. Do I look like Barney? Do I even look happy in the first place? wth.

2. Harga tequila mahal.

3. My FYP is due in four weeks.

4. Blogspot punyelah kerek tak bagi aku upload template baru.

5. And I have this Macromedia video assignment due in 2 weeks that I haven't figured out yet. But I'm not too worried about that.

Yes, sometimes reality does come crashing in at the most inconvenient times, but until then I like to ignore it.

*Ignore* *Ignore* *Ignore* *Ignore*

One day I will succeed in uploading my blogskin.

Today is just not that day.

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