But not to worry. I will return, with a ploy. Or at least a better ploy than a non-ploy ploy.
And if you're wondering what I am rambling about, that is between me and Rocket.
And if I could choose/rip off my superhero name, it'd be MINDBIRD (from Whateley).
Mindbird mindbird mindbird.
I don't know why. But it's very catchy to me. Kind of like Flo-Rida's Right Round.
Or Ne-Yo's Sexy Love.
Which has been playing on loop for the past few hours ever since Trin kindly gave it to me to save me from an eternity of humming only the first line of the song (because that was all I could remember from my illegally downloaded youtube video of Allison and Ivan in So You Think You Can Dance 2).
Yes, I am a closet reality dance contest freak.
So there.
At least I don't still watch episodes of Survivor XXXVIIM. Or whatever.

The dance that changed my life: Contemporary to Why by Annie Lennox. The human body is a beautiful, incredible thing. Especially if you look like Allison...
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