Today I am pretending to be a writer for the Malaysian Tatler.
I'm writing up on a non-existant masquerade for a non-existant company.
(The company belongs to me. Non-existentially, that is).
I am making this Masquerade out to be The Event of the year.
It is 3476 times cooler than Rainforest.
It is 8735 times cooler than any political campaigning cockup.
It is 7625 times cooler than a SoHo Dolls concert in KL...
for those of you yang tak tau SoHo Dolls, then
It is 7625 times cooler than a 30 Seconds to Mars/Sarah McLachlan/Linkin Park/Taylor Swift/ insert your favourite artist here concert.
So you see. It is The. Most. Prestigious. Event. In Malaysia.
And it's all for charity.
My company rocks.
And is making truckloads of cash, obviously.
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