Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm Not A Victim, I'm Not A Freak

I have become hopelessly addicted to the Whateley Universe.
I know I know.
WTH is Whateley right?
And how do I always stumble across these gems of the internet universe?
(tip: I look. Also, I'm pretty smart).

Anyway, it's basically a school for superheroes.
I am reading the unabridged version of Sky High.
There's also a lust demon princess character. With tentacles.
Just in case you're interested.

I know you are.

So I was thinking. What if we woke up one day and suddenly turned into mutants? (Hopefully retaining our original gender whilst doing so. Apparently transgendered mutants are quite common).

Trinna would be a Siren with a super scream voice knockout (much like she has right now) and a telekinetic package (superfast, supersmart, superstrong).
And her costume would be black and red, and sponsored by Guess?
And her codename is...ROCKET.

Cool right?

I came up with Iylia's name at the mamak already, so it wasn't that much fun. Also, there's a Whateley character with the same codename.
But anyway. She can be a psychic empath with the specialty of inducing obssession.
Supercool right?
She can also burp really loudly.

If I were a superhero, I'd be a Superhero okay? Like, I'd put Mr. Incredible to shame. I'd have the whole flying + telekinetic + psychic + whatever deal and then end up in a nuthouse from inability to cope and/or have a meltdown and cease to exist.
Force fields then. Force fields are good.
Shiny force fields. Made of...diamond.
Also increased intelligence.
Wow. I could legally trade my own mutant powers to drug...I mean diamond cartels all over the world, thus negating the necessity for slave mining in certain parts of Africa.
Taa daa.
World Peace, thanks to me just existing.
And you can call me...BRILLIANT.

And Kat can be...wait for it, wait for it...KATGIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With the ability to manifest CATS.
Imagine...walking down a dark the middle of a cold, creepy night...and all of a sudden, you are overwhelmed by hundreds of mewling, squeeping...KITTENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scary right?
Damn straight it's scary.

You know what's even scarier? Frogs.
Man. If I ever met a frog manifester, his days are numbered by sharp diamond objects.

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