This post has no purpose except to fill a hole in me otherwise boring life. Yes, I should be asleep. But I can't sleep.
I have packed, so I can't finish my anime marathon.
I haven't picked up my GG fix from Trin, so I have nothing to watch.
I am just left here, with you, my dear old blog.
I don't even have anything smart to say.
So I'll tell a story about my room mate.
(Kira gossip lah ni).
The other day she went out with this guy.
He has a girlfriend.
She used to like him.
I think that he really likes her.
But he's a guy. And therefore he thinks he can have his cake and eat it too.
Anyway, my roommate went out because she figured just because they didn't work out doesn't mean they can't be friends.
The guy, of course, totally misconstrued it.
They were having a perfectly normal conversation until it started raining, and I suppose he got into a confessional, romantic and basically idiotic mood and he asked her why she still went out with him even though he has a girlfriend.
My roomie was like what the hell??..
Now, my roomie is not someone you want to mess with when it comes to a war of words. Especially if you're a guy (you can esee us egging each other on in our guy-deologies).
So she said, Hey, dude, I'm going out with you because I think of you as a friend. You don't mean anything more to me than that. What makes you think I am that type of girl?
Maybe I did like you once, but after what you did, I cannot ever see you in the same light or let you into my heart ever again (rough translation here). So please don't get the wrong impression...
...And then she delivered the words that will become legend for me...
...sebab kalau kau ade pun same je macam kau takde.
That girl is my hero.

This is what the guy must have felt like.
1 comment:
ika said that??! your roomie is still ika, rite? haha. that is sooooooooo LEGEN-wait for it-DARY!! :D
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