This is a reason to read comic books
Let me tell you about comic books.
They Rock.
I am not exactly a connoisseuer (um, however the hell you spell it).Right now I'm reading X-Force, X-Men Legacy and Runaways.
Runaways is supercool. While reading it, you should bong and listen to The Beatles' Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (which in my humble, non-bonghead opinion, is the ultimate bong song.seriously) for an out-of-this-world experience.
Anyway, all the aforementioned comics are cool. Of course. Otherwise I wouldn't be reading them.
But the one with the most ultimate cool factor is X-FORCE. Why is X-Force cool?
'Nuff said.
(Also, amazing art. Beautiful art. Seriously. Dude. These people should win Nobel awards for imagination. And for creating characters like X-23 and Wolverine)
For those of you not in the know (which I assume is all of you unless Wai Yung reads my blog), X-23 is basically a chick version ripoff of Wolverine.
In my opinion, any ripoff version of Wolverine cannot help but be inherently cool (except Sabretooth, who is just lame and needs a wardrobe redesign).
Except X-23 is COOLER than Wolverine.
Yes! I have said it! She is so insanely insane that she is cool. She even has claws on her foot. And she's hot. And she wears leather. And she's a brunette (I like brunettes). And she's a borderline murderous psychopath. But she works for the good guys.
Plus she doesn't say 'Bub'.
Also, I suspect that she is taller than Wolverine.
Of course Rogue, Polaris and Gambit are still the ultimate, all time favourites. But X-23 is in a league of her own.
The X-23 League.
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