This is not an electric sheep (it is an electric kettle)
Last night (for lack of better tings to do, like sleep) Hannah and I managed to compartmentalize half a dozen different types of dreams:
1. The Episodic Dream
This dream lasts several episodes, much like a mini tv series. It is very rare, both of us only ever having it once each.
2. The Edge Dream
This is where you fall off a building/stairs/floor and suddenly wake up because your leg in real life has spontaneously kicked out. Happens many times. Have yet to hurt anyone.
Occurs semi-regularly. Especially in times of great stress.
3. The Ultimate Frustrating Dream
In this dream, you always wake up at the very moment that the climax of your dream is about to occur.
Usually this climax consists of you being stuck in a fatal situation with no way out, for example fighting dinosaurs, running from volcanoes or about to pay the most massive shopping bill ever.
The consistency of waking at the auspicious moment has given rise to speculation that perhaps if one completes the dream, the resolution (eaten by non existent animals, actual payment of bills, the eating of the food) will be irreversible even in real life ie death and bankruptcy.
Occurs regularly enough, and are very vivid.
4. The Mirror Dream.
Reality in this dream directly mirrors the reality that you wake up to/ went to sleep in. Several details will be wrong, but you don’t know that because you think you’re actually STILL IN YOUR REALITY.
Which is freaky.
5. The Sixth Sense Dream
Things that are occurring while you are asleep and supposedly unaware infiltrate your dream and make you feel as if you have latent psychic abilities when you wake up.
But you actually don’t (obviously. Otherwise you’d have your own cult by now don’t you think).
For example, in your dream a Presence sort-of (because everything is a Sort-Of, But Not Really) like your mother walks into your room and the next second you’re awakened by your mother standing by your bed. Or in your dream you get your arm sat on by an overweight coyote, and you wake up unable to feel your arm, thinking that you’re the special kind of person whose dreams come true (padahal the overweight coyote was, ahem, yourself).
Occurs sort of regularly.
6. The Déjà vu Dream
This I feel is the weirdest dream, because usually it is a completely random dream (like about bridges) that you suddenly remember when you are in a situation that DOES NOT RESEMBLE THE DREAM AT ALL. But the feeling is so strong, you know that the dream was actually a message. Hannah has reported having déjà vu dreams in an episodic context, where the second part of the dream comes months later.
Unfortunately, déjà vu dreams are ultimately useless because all they do is scare you without giving any useful information about the situation that you may face.
Occurs irregularly
5. The Dream within a Dream
When you go to sleep straight into a dream (usually into a mirror dream) where you fall asleep all over again into ANOTHER dream.
The dream that you have is every bit as urgent and frightening as a regular go-to-sleep-and-dream dream. At the pivotal moment, you usually wake up into your actual dream, thinking you’re safe.
This false sense of security is usually disturbed when various characters from the Simpsons start appearing in your room and having conversations with you.
Occurs not very regularly
6. The Emo Dream
This dream is different from the rest because it carries itself over into YOUR reality. Usually the original dream is one that is carries great emotional significance, usually fear, sadness or extreme fear and sadness.
When you scream, cry or call out in the dream, your REAL self mimics it (or tries to anyway), and then you wake yourself up mid-squeak.
This dream is also potentially the most embarrassing.
Someone woke up screaming about the Lempeng Man (the occurence was attributed to disappoitment at breakast)
To this day Hannah has yet to live it down.
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