Not wanting to go to the doctor because they'd just give me antibiotics that have never worked before (true story: I had to go to the doctor three times to cure a bout of cold, that eventually self-cured after several months. Medicine! Pah!), I am going to take the path of self cure.
Using the ever-trustworthy internet, I set out upon my quest.
Acupuncture to cure a cold? Hmmm.
Sleep a lot? Okay.
Drink a lot (no alcohol or tea though)? Possible.
Did you know the worst phase of flu/cold is after the 3rd day? That's when you wonder why you were brought on to this earth.
So anyway, while I am finding all these stuff and wondering why I ever bothered going to doctors, I stumble upon an article, with this line:
Each year influenza kills almost 3000 Australians
FLU KILLS PEOPLE???????????????????????????????????????????????????
Isn't living in fear of contracting actual fatal illnesses like CANCER and HEART DISEASE bad enough, now we have to be afraid of FLU?
God, this is seriously UnCool.Yeah, I'm talking to you, Big Guy. Creating chocolate cake and Chuck Bass ain't making up for this one.
Although this cake reaps a lot of Forgiveness Points for sheer Awesomeness.
And also these cakes:

Tim Burton = Incredibly weird awesomeness
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