Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Heel Chace Turn

I was reading collegecandy when I realised that Chace Crawford and Zac Efron look very similar.

Very. Similar.

So went on a google image hunt to find proof of my theories when I stumbled upon Jared Leto.

But then while looking at pictures of all three, I was completely distracted by Chace Crawford. He smiles in nearly every picture! It was so hard to find pictures of all three of them in similar poses because he smiles so much.

Okay, okay. This post is actually to tell everyone what a beautiful smile Chace Crawford has.

Just kill me already for gods sake.


Skip To The Sky With Lilies In Your Hands said...

Chace Crawford looks like plastic. Like Ken. Which is... eeewwww, creepy.
AND puh-lesse.. he's not all that perfect.
his left butt cheek is bigger than the other. see!

johnny depp + jared letto = steeeaaammmyyyyy hoootttttt.

sam said...

chace crawford is so perfect that even his imperfect butt cheeks are perfectly imperfect.
