Or should I say, I watched Eliza Dushku in Fetish Costume of the Week. Or, Look How Hot Eliza Dushku Is. Or, The Eliza Dushku Show.
Yes folks. That Eliza, aka Faith the Vampire Skank...I mean Slayer. Don't get me wrong, she was my favourite slayer (really) (no, really. She was).
So anyway, she's headlining Dollhouse now. And by headlining, I mean SHE DOMINATES EVERY FRICKING PIECE OF PROMO MATERIAL OR ANY MATERIAL OTHERWISE ASSOCIATED WITH DOLLHOUSE, including THE INTRO. The INTRO goddamnit! And it gets even worse in season 2!
Now, it's normal to use your main actress as the face of the series. But even Summer Glau got an advert for Sarah Connor Chronicles okay? Maybe nobody gave two spits about the kid, but guess what? He didn't look like Summer Glau.
I actually don't even remember what the kid looks like. He does grow up into Nick Stahl, and then Batman, so honestly...Summer Glau? What? Was I actually talking about something else? Jeez.
I have two problems with this practice of sticking images of Eliza in our faces so that we don't ever forget how incredibly hot she is. Well, three, including this one that I just realised: I have seen so much of her, she doesn't make me feel she's hot anymore.
1. She's boring. And irritating. She's only nice when she's ECHO and has the intelligence of a toddler. Where's the charisma? Where's the mystery? And, lest we forget, where the heck did you put your personality?
Some nameless clotheshorse/ glamour model/ porn star could do exactly what you're doing, except you get paid about, oh, a GAZILLION times more. You're pretty, but you're NOT THAT PRETTY!! Remember, beautiful includes personality.
Not having one means you lose half the race.
2. IS JOSS WHEDON BLIND? IS FOX VISUALLY CHALLENGED IN SOME WAY? What is the purpose of the Dollhouse?
So that sick rich people can fulfil their sick, rich-people fantasies with by hiring incredibly beautiful Dolls to carry out these fantasies to perfection.
So basically you have a cast of good looking people. Not just your normal good looking people. You have the kind of people other people dream about.
For example:
Enver Gjokaj
Amy Acker
Olivia Williams
Tahmoh Penikett
Miracle Laurie
And those are only the named cast.
And all FOX could come up for promo was this:

Eliza Dushku
Eliza Dushku
Eliza Dushku
Eliza Dushku
Epic Objectifying Beautiful Cast For Promo Ad Fail.
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