Friday, May 1, 2009

Who needs a halo...

And a redhead shall lead them

I am at my grandparents place.

I sleep, eat and watch tv. In that order. Sometimes I eat AND watch tv.

Shocking, I know.

My phone went off the other day. My ringtone is 3oh!3's Don't Trust Me.

The lyrics go like this:

She says she loves me oooh, she says she wants me oooh

she'll never leave me oooh

don't trust the ho

don't trust the ho

never trust the ho....

After getting the fish eye from my uncle I changed my ringtone

To Lily Allen's Fuck You.


The actual purpose of this post is to review Wonder Woman. The cartoon. That Warner recently released because they're too cheap to make an actual movie.

But anyway. It's pretty cool for an origins animated movie, better than the Avengers origin animated movie (because Scarlet Witch wasn't in it. Puh-leez. You don't really expect me to take a Witchless Avengers seriously right).

And man, those Amazons had sexy voices! I had no idea Keri Russell could sound so incredibly hot!

I'm not a big WW fan. She always struck me as bizarre, even in a place where bizareness is key.

She's an Amazon. She grew up on an island, and has never seen a man for like thousands of years (that in itself is enough for me to be unable to connect to her). She walks around in a shiny one-piece. She has a lasso.

A lasso.

Of all the uncool crimefighting gadgets...a lasso has got to be the uncoolest.

It even beats Marrow breaking off bits of her calciumate growths to fling at people.

It beats Maggot with his independent digestive system.

It beats a beauty pageant tiara that doubles as a boomerang. Which also happens to be owned by WW.

See? How do you take a swimsuit model with gold accessories as a serious crimefighter?

You can't.

But the cartoon actually made it seem pretty cool. And funny. Like when Diana (WW) won the contest to escort the crashlanded dude back to America, Artemis suggested to Hippolyte (her mother) that they could have stopped her:

Artemis: You shouldn't let her go.

Hippolyte: Do you really think we could have stopped her if we tried? No.

Artemis: I could have shot her. In the leg.


Artemis: I would have missed her major arteries, of course.


I think Artemis should have her own series too.

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