He was the nicest, softest, stupidest hamster who ever lived.
I used to hate hamsters.
They always bit me when I used to stick my fingers in the cage and try to forcefully pet them. I mean, talk about ingratitude. And also, the threat of rabies.
Freakin rodents.
But Buttercup changed the way I looked at them.
His friend and cagemate, Dr. Evil Brownie Varkoff (or something like that; my brother named him), did not help at all in mending human-hamster relations.
He bit EVERYTHING, including the cage and the water bottle, until the cat clawed out one of his eyes.
After that he only bit stuff he could see with his left eye.
What I am trying to say is, just because you used to hate something, doesn't mean you will hate it forever. All it takes is the right something to change your mind.
So ends my sermon for the day.
If I do this everyday for a week, I might be able to claw my way back into heaven's good graces.
Guess what. I have a friend who should be on I Have a Famous Face!

Okay, just pretend the other three girls are not in the picture...I know it's hard...but try anyway...focus on the smallest target.
See! Doesn't Kat look like Jessica Alba?
Now I can get Kat to do all kinds of things and pretend she is Jessica Alba and sell the pictures to the paparazzi and live happily off the ill-gotten gains.
Awright! Now I don't need to get a job after I graduate!
Everyone. There is a movie you must all go and watch that is coming out in 2009.
No, it is not Watchmen.
It is not Star Trek.
It is not X-Men Origins: Wolverine...OH MY GOD, I just found out Emma Frost, Gambit and Deadpool are gonna be in the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, who's playing Emma Frost? I bet it's some ditzy blonde. Man, she is so going to screw up the role. If they cast Leslie Bibb, I am so gonna...write a nasty letter to Stan Lee. Everyone knows Frost was originally a brunette anyway. So they should get Drusilla to play her. Heh heh heh.
WOW they're making a Sherlock Holmes movie! With Robert Downey jr! This is unbelievable. It has Jude Law in it too.
Be still my beating heart.
As much as I love Holmes and Mr. Ironman, separately, I cannot see them together. I mean, come on. If Holmes had looked anything like Downey jr, would he have become a dissipated opium-head? Oh wait. Downey jr looks like Downey jr, and he still became a dissipated drug addict alcohoholic womaniser.
Hey, they're making Dorian Gray too. With Ben Barnes. The gay dude from Caspian. Yeah, I can see this one working out real well.
Anyway. Er. Yeah.
The movie everyone should watch in 2009 is
Disney's The Princess and the Frog.
No, really.
Hey, I'm a girl. I love Disney princesses. There hasn't been a Disney 2D movie in ages.
This one's a musical AND set in pre-utter-annihilation New Orleans.
And the princess isn't blonde.
"If they cast Leslie Bibb, I am so gonna...write a nasty letter to Stan Lee. Everyone knows Frost was originally a brunette anyway."
Leslie Bibb was originally a brunette too, so what's your problem? ;)
oh ye ke. I didn't know that.
She just looks too nice to be Frost.
Frost should be played by an absolute bitch.
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