Monday, December 29, 2008

On Your Knees Then

Apa nak buat...nama Sand Saref sangat cool

My roommate finally came back. Yay. I am no longer alone and listless and now have a reason to live. Etc etc cue violin music.

See, I have been very lonely. Sheena, Queen of the Jungle went to Ireland. Magnet Girl hasn't come back. Kat has gone off for some family holiday on some godforsaken island far away (okay. she actually went to Sipadan). And then my Bastion of Goodwill (my roommatelah) went off to Perlis. Like wth. Leaving me alone. And bored.

Alone is not so bad.
Bored is bad. Bored is just so boring. The more you run from it, the more it chases you. It's a Bloody Phantasm.

Anyway, now that I am un-bored, I decided to give all my friends weird nicknames. Like the abovementioned. So basically Trin will be Sheena, Iylia will be Magnet Girl, Kat will be Kat and roommate will be Bastion (no connection to the evil Marvel character).
Until I get bored with it.
And start naming people after smurfs.

I finally watched The Spirit today. Yay. One down. A dozen more to go.
It was kind of weird actually. I mean, I've never read any of the comics, so I didn't know what to expect. So I based my expectations on the previews. And ads.

So OBVIOUSLY I thought the movie was about five hot chicks and a guy named The Spirit.
Have you seen the posters? It has Eva Mendes in a skintight suit. It has Jaime King floating around. It has Scarlett Johanssen and her vaguely porno-librarian appeal. Like wth. Talk about false advertising.

The movie was weird. And the weirdest thing about the movie were the women. See

1. Sand Saref

Hot girl skateboarder grows up to be hot woman jewel thief. Who signs crime scenes by photostating her ass. Also marries many guys and kills them all. Or they just happen to die from being married to her, I don't know.

2. Silken Floss

Extremely irritating sidekick to an extremely irritating villain. And yet. It IS Scarlett after all. And she has the best wardrobe.

3. Lorelei Rox

I have no idea who she is or what her purpose is in this movie except to give us some mysterious subtext on Spirit's immortality. The subtext is lost on me.

4. Morgenstern

Irritating rookie cop with nice legs. And big guns.

5. Plaster of Paris

Bellydancing French psychopathic weirdo.

I couldn't understand how you could have so many good looking women in one place and yet have a movie with almost zero sex appeal. In my opinion, they should have just let Gabriel Macht walk around shirtless.

Not as bad as Max Payne, but nowhere as cool as Sin City.
But then SC had like a dozen hot chicks and Clive Owen.




Apa Yang Berlaku Selepas Itu

Lepas tu Bastion bawak balik nasi lemak dari Perlis.
Gile bapak sedap.
Aku pun makan setengah, walaupun aku dah makan.
Lepas tu aku menanya diri aku, kenapalah aku makan lagi sedangkan aku dah makan dan sepatutnya berdiet?
Aku tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan aku (tidak seperti biase, di mana aku boleh menghabiskan pergaulan yang lengkap dengan diri sendiri), maka aku bertekad untuk tidak mengendahkan soalan itu.

Apa nak buat.

Sambal dah kat dalam perut...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My nickname is Magnet Girl??... like wtf?... LOL.. i should have a cooler name like.. er...
Dazz Scarlet. cool huh? huh? huh?..