Monday, August 30, 2010

Tell Me It Ain't Cute

Dear Mr Fillion,

I think you're pretty awesome (in a non-fangirl way).
When you were in Buffy as the Brother who poked Xander's eye out, I remembered your creepy but righteous performance.
In Firefly, you were supercool as Captain Mal (just a side note, as I was re-watching several episodes the other day: What happened to Sean Maher? Because he is really a very really good looking man. Really. It seems a waste for such a handsome actor to fall of the face of acting. Maybe you could say hi to him for me? Maybe if you passed me his number, I could do it myself, you wouldn't have to trouble yourself...Anyway. I was just curious).
When Dr Horrible's Singalong Blog came out, I was ecstatic to find you in it - together with the amazing Neil Patrick Harris and Felicia Day (Felicia Day is awesome and funny!), despite the fact that you played a douchebag superhero (which you did very well!).
And then the Serenity movie - if you could say hi to Summer Glau as well? I would be indebted....

Anywhoo. You were in Desperate Housewives after that (WHAT WAS WRONG WITH YOU???EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW), but I forgive you (because of all of the above).

[This walk down memory lane is really just so I can talk about Castle Season 1 and 2 la. Most of you guys (I count 2 of you, including myself) don't know who awesome Mr Fillion is. So I must clarify how awesome he is.]

I've just finished watching Castle. Both seasons. And I have to say I am so relieved to have had something to watch that wasn't chock full of ridiculous CSI melodrama, and didn't take itself too seriously. THE RELIEF. was palpable. Just a good sit-down, laidback murder mystery series. With two adorable leads. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Like a breath of fresh air. Like cold water after walking up a flight of stairs. Like, well, like stuff that is nice, refreshing and wholesome.

I was going to watch Fringe, but then I asked myself - What happens when you watch stuff like Fringe? You get sucked into it. You start thinking about (spoiler) alternate dimensions and (spoiler) time-rifts and (spoiler) cows. And then what? And then you get depressed and obsessed with the possibility of alternate dimensions and how one is brought into existence every time we are faced with choices - the choices we don't take create alternate realities to be played out see what happens? Nerdout happens. Existential angst happens.

I don't need all that, man. What I need is a pet hedgehog. But if I can't have that, watching Castle is just as nice and heartwarming. Also, has lots of redheads, which I have a soft spot for.

So Mr Fillion, thanks for being so awesome, and could you please hurry up with the third season?

Yours Truly,

I dare you to say this ain't cute (remember, everytime you say it, something cute dies).


Khairie said...

Dare taken, said it three times.

sam said...

you just murdered a bunch of kittens. or baby bunnies.
whichever makes you feel worst.