Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Commander Cody Says

Commander Cody aka I Don't Know Who He Is, But My Brother Thinks He Rocks.

Many things have happened since I last blogged.

(Play intro music, a la Last Week On...)

Things That Have Happened Since I Last Blogged:

1. Kat smushed her fingers in a five tonne compressor.

2. Iylia and I watched Ong Bak 2. (If you are thinking WTF, then you are thinking what I was thinking).

3. Trinna came back. And cooked mushrooms.

4. There is a violinist in my creative writing class.

5. I discovered this EXCELLENT website that EVERYONE should go to (because it makes fun of Twilight) :

6. It's my brother's birthday today!

My brother is probably never going to read this, but I want to say some stuff about him, because he is an incredible little brother.

Dear Ben,

You are the most important thing in the world to me (yes, you are even more important than the cat). I won't say this to you, because I know it is very hard to be responsible for the happiness of someone else. You should know that I will never be disappointed in you, whatever it is that you do (unless you get arrested and thrown in jail).

I know that you are good, and strong, and kind. Maybe sometimes you will wish you didn't have to be. I'm sorry if you do, and I'm sorry that I am not there with you, especially now that things are not great at home.

I will be back soon, to save you from Mum and Dad. I promise I'll play Star Wars Monopoly with you, so long as you let me be Amidala. Or Vader.

I can't do much for your birthday, but I will be able to some day soon. Assuming I get a job once I graduate.

I love you, little brother.

Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww, that was so sweet. =)

he needs to hear this...esp after being strong all this while, holding up the fort...

send him the email!