Friday, February 13, 2009

Llorando Por Tu Amor

I can't figure out how to fix the previous post, so too bad lah.

Because I have discovered free photoshop brushes.



Serious shit.

Check this out:

Cool cool cool right?

Yeah, I know I am a third year graphic student, like what the hell was I doing in class these past few years, but whatever okay. I'm still a good student and right now I'm fecking brilliant.

I would like to thank all those people whose brushes allowed me to achieve this. God bless you, seriously.

So this is my second dedication to valentine's day. To all the broken promises and fallen expectations and little lies we practice in love.

I tried to do cheerful, I really, that's a lie. I just didn't bother. Why should I jump into the candy infested waters of joy when I cannot swim nor do I like candy?

It's not even depressing what. My roommate liked it. She said it looked cute.

Yah, serious.

And for some heart wrenching love song recommendations, try Rebekah del Rio's Llorando.

The lyrics go like this:

Yo que pens้ que te olvid้

pero es verdad es la verdad

que te quiero a๚n mแs,

mucho mแs que ayer.

Dime t๚ qu้ puedo hacer

no me quieres ya

y siempre estar้

llorando por tu amor (x2).

Tu amor se llev๓

todo mi corazon

y quedo llorando

llorando (x5)

por tu amor.

Which literally means (not a direct translation...duh):

I am crying my heart out for your love

I thought I was okay, but when I saw you

I realised I was not.

I thought I could get over what I feel for you

But I could not.

Your love,

has taken the heart out of me

And I am left crying for your love

Crying x 500 basically.


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