Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chuck Norris Facts

Well, the last post had obviously no effect whatsoever on my life. Except maybe that I changed my ringtone to Hey Soul Sister.
Wouldn't it be nice if, when you tell yourself something, like, 'Today I will be awesome and do awesome things', or even just 'Today I will be a nice person,' and it just comes true.
Just like that. Just because you say it.
You know, when they tell you all that stuff about 'Just believe in yourself and you can achieve anything!'? I'm not saying it's not true. It's just that they never tell you you might have to wait years to achieve that thing.
So if you're like me, you think that believing in yourself will produce instant results, just like sticking coins into a gum machine and *ding* out rolls a brightly coloured, highly delicious ball of gum. Immediately.
But it NEVER happens that way. EVERYTHING takes time. And time, well, I haven't found a more thorough killer of dreams than time (except, maybe...being killed). Who wants to sit around and CULTIVATE a reputation in literary circles? Which person wants to wait and SAVE and INVEST money to become rich? We are living in a time of INSTANT GRATIFICATION okay, which is like instant noodles, except even more tasteless.
*boom tish* (okay, not really. doesn't work if i do it myself).
Basically I just want everything I want, now.
But realistically, I'd have to work my arse of for what I want, or even if I do get instantly gratified (heh), I'll probably take it for granted. There is NO WINNING HERE.
Unless you are Chuck Norris in a Hummer, then you are MADE OF WIN.

1 comment:

ally said...

girlfren, let's fulfill the make-more-effort-with-frens part..hehe..hope im one of them..

shopping at telawi bangsar? i need a green dress!! help!!