Sunday, October 11, 2009

Searching for a Housemate

I’m looking for a housemate

For the middle room upstairs

But I’ve got a few requirements

(I’m not really splitting hairs)

You should be about this height

Your skin should be quite blue

And if you were once enslaved, that’s ok

So long as you were a dancer too.

Or if you’re green, it’s not too bad

Just don’t bring back too many jerks

In fact we have a strict policy here:

No Man But Captain Kirk.

If you’re tall with pointy ears

I’m not sure what to do

Our lease expires after 2 years

You’d better think it through.

Or if you happen to have

Incredible gymnastic skill

Sheathed claws and leather pants

And a barely repressed desire to kill

(As much as I’ll love to have you

I don’t think the others will)

A girl with a stake is always welcome

I’ll understand your late hours

Vanquishing the Big Bad takes time

And various superpowers.

I hope I’m not asking too much

You have to understand

I only desire women of misrepute

To join my nerdery band.

Wink wink.

(If you can identify the movie, book, tv or comic book series my housemate might come from, please give yourself +1000 xp each. Hahaha)