Monday, November 1, 2010

Frigging Bounders

I used to think of bunnies as the Lame Pets. Pets for people who couldn't deal with the awesomeness of cats and dogs (but mostly cats). It was like the Tofu Pup of Meat Products - a sad excuse for a pet. A not-real pet.

But last Friday, this changed. I had promised myself a pet once my mum and brother moved down from Kuching (had a gag reflex just typing that word). I can't keep a cat here, so I had to turn to smaller, less lovable (or so I thought) alternatives.

I considered Hedgehogs (pokey), Ferrets (expensive), Hamsters (too small), Sugar Gliders ( kind of a pet is that), and Guinea Pigs. And also rabbits. For awhile hedgies were #1. Sort of like because they were 'cool' pets - uncommon yet cute. But the fact was I wanted a pettable pet.

While checking out hedgehogs at one pet shop, I saw this ginger rabbit in a cage. It was quite big la. But it was really cute! And it was ginger! I have a soft spot for gingers, partly because supposedly ginger hair runs in my family, but the last ginger in the family was an uncle. And then nothing. Also because ginger haired animals are just so cool looking.

GINGER ATTACK!! Bring on the satay sticks.

So after that, I started checking out bunnies. After all, bunnies were a good substitute for cats (or any pet) (or any other hole in your life).

Reasons Why Bunnies Are A Good Pet Choice

#1 They're basically mute
#2 They can't puke
#2 They live in cages
#4 They're incredibly low maintenance
#5 They need you
#6 They're friggin cute
#7 Really really cute

Really, really, really cute

At first I figured I was okay with any type of bunny - I'd know when I saw the bunny I wanted. But practicality prevailed, and we narrowed it down to several smaller types of bunns - Hotot, Netherland, and Lop.

Personally, I think Lops are kind of sad looking, dragging their too-long ears here and there, like a bride who missed her wedding. Hotots and Netherlanders are sweeter looking. By sweeter I mean they're so freaking adorable you want to smoosh them between your hands when you pick them up.

Sadly, Dwarf bunnies cost about 350-450 RM. I wasn't willing to fork out that amount of cash for a bunny (it's not even a cat! plus I'd been adopting all my cats from the SPCA). So, with a heavy heart, I thought oh well, beli je lah bunny mane-mane yang comel.

On my Bunny Quest, I dragged Greg to the petshop at Ikano during lunch, and lo and behold, there were two dwarf bunnies selling for 150 RM each!! (note: many 'dwarf' bunnies sold at petshops aren't true dwarfs - they'll grow bigger than the average dwarf bunny, but smaller than the average average bunny).

In the evening I dragged Seth there and we decided to get both bunnies.
That's right. From zero bunnehs to two in one night.

And I have to say, they are the cutest little things I have ever seen. Ever. Including kittens (hah! but I still love cats).

Haih. So damn cute. How la. No choice...but to eat them both!!!

1 comment:

Shayla said...

they cant puke???!!!!

Im getting a dwarf hotot in January

it will only be 50 dollars!