Why do people (like security guards and various people who fill up forms for you when you are perfectly capable, after 16 years of education, of filling it up yourself) put my name as Samantha Lauren?
Is my last name Lauren? Would I be here if my last name was Lauren?
No, I'd be in the Hamptons chilling with Andrea Casiraghi and starring in my grandfather's ad campaigns.
What kind of a nitwit puts Lauren as someone's last name when the LAST PART OF MY NAME is clearly JOSEPH??
(I blame my father. For having such a lame last name. Maybe if his surname had been McCrabbypatty this problem would not have arose).
Interviewed one of the former Miss Malaysia's. She's going to do her PhD.
She completed her Masters when she was 23.
Do you see how this is complaint worthy?
Can please go and be petty and unintelligent so I can go back to my comfort zone of stereotypes and prejudice against pretty people? Yeah, thanks.
What are the people who are the third party in an adulterous affair thinking?
Do they think that person actually loves them?
Do they think that they're anything more than a confidence booster? I mean really. Just speaking from experience here.
(Experience of being daughter and gf to people who couldn't keep it in their pants).
They don't give a shit about you, so quit whining about how they are the only people who understand you and it's true love when people question you about why you can't go out and get a normal relationship.
Also, your friends? If they don't stop you, I assure you that means they also don't give a shit and think you're a loser.
If you got yourself into the situation where you are, shut up and do something about it.
If you're doing something about it, then by all means complain.

Why do girl bloggers think they're hot, when most of them are not?
Is it like girl gamers or something? You aren't fat, you game, therefore you're hot?
What? How does that even make sense?
And you don't even need half a brain to blog (if i can do it, you can do it). Unlike gamers, who at least need some level of n00b destroying skills.
Well. A good day to everyone and their bunnies.