Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Capture the Castle

I have just discovered something about myself and I don't know how to react.

The Situation:

I was on TvTropes, reading Quip to Black, when I saw a link to Castle, Nathan Fillion's new TV series.
(You don't know who Nathan Fillion is? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH) (No, I'm not going to help you. Reaver scum).
So clicking on it, I discovered Nathan Fillion had a Twitter account.
Now, as far as I know, Twitter to me is associated with self-impressed douchebags like John Mayer, Gerard Butler and Sarah Palin, and occasionally people keeping an account of the zombie apocalypse currently occuring in California.
But then I read Fillion's Twitter.
His first Twit (tweet? tweeter? whatever) was about Dr Horrible.







Cue Whedon-induced euphoria.
As I read on, I realised that I had missed a huge part of awesomeness that could be incorporated into my life.
The Conclusion:

No doubt I will be ashamed of myself this time next week. But for now I say, STALK ON!

Why jellyfish? Because, like the abovementioned people, jellyfish are awesome.

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